The Hospital Authority adopts the "people-first" culture which is a blend of the happiness, health and meaning. We provide full support to our staff to ensure they can always devote to the public wholeheartedly. We also offer our staff with the best environments, technologies and opportunities so that they can strengthen their professional expertise to maintain the best quality of services to the public.

Keep reading to find out how happy, healthy and meaningful to work at the Hospital Authority.

Working at the Hospital Authority is happy since we all hang together to devote to the public. Our work environment is full of support, encouragement and warmth as a big family. We care about the work and life developments of our staff much; we listen to what they want and need all the time so as to apply adjustments properly. Want to join our happy family? Check our current jobs out to see if there are any suitable openings for you.

The Hospital Authority is committed to safe-guard the safety and health of our staff from identified occupational hazards by continuously improving our working environment for it to be conducive for effective work to be carried out. In line with this commitment, we have been taking different steps to:

  • Promote, monitor and address occupational health and safety issues including improving both facilities and work designs on a continuous basis;
  • Systematically establish safety guidelines in different areas of work to promote and maintain safety working practices for our staff and to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations pertaining to occupational safety and health;
  • Provide staff with adequate training to perform their jobs safely and to inform staff on relevant health and safety practices that are adopted to their hospitals/units; and
  • Ensure both management and staff are aware of their responsibility and accountability in minimizing occupational hazards and injury.

Working at the Hospital Authority is meaningful. Our staff is not here for completing just a job, task or duty. We are here since we care our community and want to give hands to any people in needs. We are devoted to contribute to a better Hospital Authority, a better community and even a better world. If you have the same belief, click our current jobs and see if there are any suitable openings for you.